Liget is my ongoing one-man anthology, trying to follow in the footsteps of the great one-person anthologies that inspired and still inspire me. Rather than having an established theme, the purpose of this magazine is to collect different stories that reflect whatever my interests are at the time of each issue's publication, as well, as occasional serialised stories.
The first issue came out in September 2017.
B&W, 24 pages, 168x260 mm.
Issue two is out in Brazil, soon we'll have the English version as well.
Does This Look Like A Real Comic To You? is my first print release, collecting short stories created in 2015 and 2016 for different purposes. (NOT FINAL COVER)
Colour/B&W, 24 pages, 165x213 mm
Click here to read a few of the stories.
Click here for extra material: commentary on the stories, sketches, references, etc.
It can be ordered to Europe directly from this website.
No Brasil, pode ser comprado no site da Incompleta, ou ainda nas lojas UGRA, Comix, e Gibiteria, em São Paulo.